Healthy Essentials & Complementary Feed

There is a growing realisation that a diet based on concentrated feed is not necessarily appropriate for horses. Wild horses feed exclusively on lean grasses, shrubs, various herbs and much more that nature offers them. In addition to a species-appropriate basic diet based on the healthy essentials and important all-natural complementary feeds, OKAPI also relies on grain-free feed concentrates made from starch-free legumes, which provide an increased protein content without putting a strain on the blood sugar balance.

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20 products

Herbs. It's All in the Mix.

Wild horses have a broad dietary spectrum, with herbs and their health-promoting active ingredients playing a particularly important role. Horses therefore need various herbal mixtures as healthy feed supplements for an all-natural diet. OKAPI 4Seasons Feed enriches the daily ration with valuable herbs that are usually no longer found in our hay and pastures.

Complementary Healthy Feed. Not always. But regularly.

In addition to grasses and herbs, many other plants or parts of plants are included in a horse's natural diet. Plant seeds provide valuable fatty acids, bark contains bitter substances that have a positive effect on intestinal health, and dried berries provide healthy vitamins for the metabolism over a long period of time. For balanced and natural feeding, it is therefore important to alternate these essential ingredients in the trough on a regular basis.

Grain-free Concentrated Feed and Additional Protein. No Added Sugar or Fillers.

The nutrients provided by hay and pasture are sometimes insufficient, especially for active horses. Particularly during the competition season or when young or breeding horses have an increased need for protein, concentrates should be fed. Current research shows that starch, for example from muesli or cereals, should generally be viewed very critically for horses and should only be fed in small amounts. Otherwise, it can lead to dysbiosis (imbalance of microbiome) and abnormal fermentation in the large intestine, PSSM, insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders. Our line of concentrated feeds Grain-free High Performance uses starch-free legumes to meet protein requirements without overloading blood sugar levels.

Healthy Energy Bars for Max Performance. Quick Power on the Go.

When competing, trail riding or endurance riding, it is helpful to have a small portion of concentrated feed to replenish your horse's energy reserves quickly. OKAPI Max Performance Bars are available with oats or barley for warmbloods and thoroughbreds or as starch-free linseed bars for baroque and leisure horses. OKAPI Max Performance Bars provide fast energy and important minerals to support the metabolism during increased exertion.

Do You Have any Questions? We will be Happy to Advise You Personally.

Do you have any concerns or questions? Do you need advice or tips about our healthy essentials and complementary feed? Whether you are a breeder, veterinarian, therapist, ambitious leisure rider, stable owner or professional rider, we are passionate about helping you choose the right product for your horse and yourself. We are still committed to taking the time to provide you with individual and, above all, expert feed advice right from the start. From one horse lover to another - because your horse's health and your mutual wellbeing are our motivation. Just get in touch, we would love to hear from you!