Grain-free High Performance & Max Performance Bars

Sport horses often do not get enough nutrients from hay and pasture. Concentrated feed should also be fed if there is an increased protein requirement in breeding or for young horses. Current studies show that starch, for example from muesli and cereals, should be viewed critically and should only be given in small quantities. Dysbiosis in the large intestine, PSSM, insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders can otherwise be the result. OKAPI Grain-free High Performance therefore relies on starch-free legumes, which provide an increased protein content in the ration without burdening the blood sugar balance. OKAPI Max Performance Bars provide a practical portion of concentrated feed for horses on the move to quickly replenish their energy reserves after intensive exercise.

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8 products

Protein on a Healthy Basis. A Source of Strength and Energy.

Until industrialisation began, horses were fed what the fields and meadows produced and what humans found inedible. As well as hay and pasture, this included protein-rich legumes in the form of concentrated feed, as grain was too expensive and valuable for human consumption to be fed to horses. It is not without reason that it is called 'sainfoin' (from the old French sain foin - healthy hay). It was grown in crop rotation to improve the soil and provide a protein-rich 'concentrate' for horses.

Beware of Cheap Industrial Fillers.

Today, leguminous plants such as sainfoin, various clovers and alfalfa are experiencing a renaissance not only in organic farming but also in healthy horse feeding. For years, protein was thought to be detrimental to the health of horses. In recent years, however, research has shown just the opposite: it is not the protein that is the culprit. It is the high levels of easily digestible starch in the diet, such as is found in most commercial concentrates through extruded maize, wheat and the many milling by-products, that cause blood sugar levels to spike and contribute to the development of health problems such as EMS, pseudo-EMS, insulin resistance, pseudo-Cushing's disease and laminitis. 

It All Depends on the Fibre: The Right Length is Key.

The trend to replace processed grain and molasses in many complete feeds with fibre-based fillers or oils has not really addressed the underlying problem, as evidenced by the many horses with metabolic disorders in our yards. In particular, the wrong fibre length can severely disrupt digestion and therefore nutrient extraction in the intestine in the long term.

Keep away from Oils.

Oils are rarely used for energy production in the horse's metabolism. As herbivores and hindgut fermenters, their digestive systems are not evolutionarily adapted to process oil-rich foods. It is a biological given that the horse does not possess a gall bladder.

In such cases, you are simply replacing one problematic feed with another that is no less problematic. Concentrated feed should provide energy, but in a way that is appropriate and healthy for the horse. 

Natural Protein For Growth and Muscle Development.

Horses get most of their energy from hay, the cellulose fibres of which are broken down by micro-organisms in the large intestine into volatile fatty acids and their salts. These can then be used directly by the cells as an energy source. If this amount of energy is not sufficient, the metabolism turns to proteins for energy. Our forefathers knew this and fed protein-rich legumes such as alfalfa, sainfoin or clover, which provide high quality protein and cellulose. 

More and more horse owners are returning to the roots of equine nutrition, when healthy working horses provided food for the human table and feeding their horses a grain-free diet. SainFoin (e.g. OKAPI Ready2Feed SainFoin)and VitalCobs are the perfect alternative to provide more energy for good performance and less starch and sugar.

Healthy Energy for Peak Performance.

Most horses can generate sufficient energy for their daily workload through their basic feed, which should be available 24 hours a day. However, this is often difficult when you are travelling with your horse. On trail rides, endurance rides or competitions, it is not always possible to ensure that the horse has access to its roughage at all times. There is also the problem of ensuring a sufficient supply of minerals, especially on warm days. Few riders want to carry around tubs and sacks of feed and have to mix it together during the break.

The Fast-Refuelling Station for on the Go.

This is where OKAPI Max Performance Bars come in. You can put them in your pocket and feed them when you're on the move. Oats or barley and linseed provide quick energy that can be immediately converted into exercise. Enriched with our tried and tested OKAPI PureMinerals G, the max performance bars supplement the mineral balance to prevent deficiency symptoms. The ideal little power pack for between meals to keep the horse performing at its best. 

OKAPI Max Performance Bars are available with oats or barley for warm-blooded and thoroughbred horses. Also available as starch-free and grain-free linseed bars.

Do You Have any Questions? We will be Happy to Advise You Personally.

Do you have any concerns or questions? Do you need advice or tips about our our healthy essentials and all-natural complementary feed? Whether you are a breeder, veterinarian, therapist, ambitious leisure rider, stable owner or professional rider, we are passionate about helping you choose the right product for your horse and yourself. We are still committed to taking the time to provide you with individual and, above all, expert feed advice right from the start. From one horse lover to another - because your horse's health and your mutual wellbeing are our motivation. Just get in touch, we would love to hear from you!